Mindfully Distance from Negative Thoughts: ACT Therapy with Clients
Sat, Jan 28
This presentation will be on particular ACT mindfulness strategies that are focused on creating distance from unhelpful thoughts.

Time & Location
Jan 28, 2023, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
About the Event
This presentation will be on particular ACT mindfulness strategies that are focused on creating distance from unhelpful thoughts. This includes the use of ACT metaphors that help clients be able to illustrate mindfulness concepts, and observational language to help clients be able to non-judgmentally witness unhelpful thoughts and unpleasant body sensations from the distance.
1/28/2023When:Saturday, January 28 2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Where:Hosted Virtually by the Staten Island Chapter United States
Presenter:Leon Tsao, LMHC Contact:Christina Kulesa christina.kulesa@gmail.com (917) 797-2662